Exercising in MIQ

When you’re in MIQ (Managed isolation & Quarantine) the plan is to stay in your room as much as possible. Facilities have different rules, for some you can be out for only 30 minutes a day, for others, an hour.

At the Ibis Ellerslie, we can be out for an hour but you have to book it in. You can’t just wander out of your room whenever you want. If another bus from the airport is coming in, there will be an announcement over the PA saying when there’s a total lockdown of the exercise area.

Only one ‘bubble’ is permitted in the elevator at a time. You then walk on the lefthand side of the yellow dotted line at the entrance (don’t dare walk on the right). A member of the Defense Force checks you have the blue wristband on (says you don’t have Covid) and records your room number.

This is where you join a number of people at 2 metres apart walking around a specific carpark. There’s security guards onsite to make sure your mask is up and you keep separated. They take their job very seriously. It does get very monotonous going around and around the same circuit. The first day we went it was raining so that meant foggy glasses and it just wasn’t fun.

I’ve got into the habit of listening to podcasts. Pete’s given up going outside because he kept getting told to put his mask over his nose. He almost had a stand up argument with a police officer about it.

Instead he does a few exercises in our room (see video). I do a bit of exercise in our room but I do like getting out in the fresh air every couple of days.

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